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Why you should Partner with Multiply 417

Do you want to see faith-based ministries grow? Would you like to be a part of a team that helps eliminate financial distraction from being under-resourced or never able to plan for growth effectively?

Your partnership and gift to Multiply 417 helps multiple ministries around the country achieve financial stability and effectively grow.  It also teaches them how to develop Biblical honorable relationships with their financial partners

Despite how vital effective fundraising is, many ministry leaders are never taught how to engage in this role in a Biblical fashion. Multiply 417 offers this training and coaching, following Paul’s principles laid out in Phil. 4:17.

Your gift has a multiplying effect on Kingdom growth because it is an investment in strengthening the foundation of multiple ministries. 

Please prayerfully consider giving today by clicking on the "Give" button above.

“…I would commend Rick to you as a faithful leader who will serve tirelessly to accomplish your goals and objectives…”
Jacob Bland
President & CEO Youth For Christ – USA
“…Rick understands what it takes to fund a mission. He understands “approach” without being mechanical. He embraces Processes, without losing passion…For years, he served our mission well…”
Dan Wolgemuth
Past-President/CEO Youth For Christ
Gold Transparency Candid 2022 award