Weekly Tip: Passion and Calling

So just how does our passion fit into the “triangle of truth” (Phil 4:17 – “Seek not the Gift”, God Owns it all, God Provides it all) that creates our Biblical Foundation for Development?

I mean come on, if I’m super passionate about lost youth, or the homeless, or marriages and I need the resources to reach them, then how do I dial that back in a fundraising approach that says, “but the fruit that would be added to your increase”.

So, here’s my answer (for me)!

But first, know this: I’m not just passionate about reaching lost youth, I’m also called.  For me that phrase carries huge weight, responsibility, and BLESSING.

If God has called me to reach lost youth, then I have every reassurance and Biblical promise He provides that I will experience purpose, fulfillment and success* in accomplishing His calling.  I can rest in His arms, even while going about my ministry like a campus life leader with my hair on fire.

To repeat; because I know I’m walking in His calling and plan for my life, ministry, and in a lot of cases even my vocation, He will provide (point #3 of our Biblical basis) the resources I need, money or otherwise.

That allows me to fulfill and follow Paul’s example of Biblical based fundraising, where he tells us the emphasis is not on the gift, but the spiritual increase we want the donor or partner to experience. Why? Because we don’t need to sweat the gift/money.

Super easy, right? Uh yeah, no, it’s not. But it is awesome, amazing, and freeing.  Seriously, take a deep breath, relax, thank God AGAIN for His calling in your life and the passionate response you bring to it.

Now with that in place, with that mindset, go ahead and absolutely take that passion to your partnership appointments.  Share with the greatest of enthusiasm and zeal, but not to convince or cajole, but just to demonstrate what God is doing in and through your life.  It may be the very kind of enthusiasm they need to light their passion on fire for your ministry.  But at the same time watch, listen, and learn if their passions are a match with yours or if perhaps, they are vested in some other kingdom minded pursuit and how you can aide them with the increase God wants them to experience.

*Success – Want to talk about what this word means for your team and their fundraising?  Email or give me a call (209) 541-5720

Note: Sorry for the week delay on this tip.  I was just excited to announce the webpage was live last week. If you haven’t already, please check out www.multiply417.com.