Social Proofing – Is the notion that it is reassuring to some folks to know they are joining in, not leading in.  Mind you this is not true for everyone, but since you are using these mostly on a macro level, it won’t matter.

Social proofing – Monthly Giving – Sample

Some (use the quantifier that feels comfortable for you) of our partnership team have seen the value of giving a monthly gift.  The consistency and stability of their gift matches perfectly with what we want to offer our teens, a loving, consistent, and stable relationship.  Our monthly giving partners have seen how their regular gift strategically allows us to provide these teens with the kind of care they most need.  RJF is a longtime partner, here’s his thoughts…

“For a while I was only giving at the end of the calendar year. But as I saw the way the staff provide so much stability for our teens, I knew I needed to step up and do the same with our giving…RJF”

Social proofing – Legacy Giving – Sample

Many of our partners have been with us a long time and as they have evaluated how to best impact the ministry they have turned towards legacy gifts or giving (gifts given through a will or bequest).  If this something you want to know more about or consider, please give (insert name) a call at (insert phone).  For DTH it was straightforward…

“As (wife’s name) and I were looking over our will, we realized we were in a place to give a legacy gift to (your org name).  We certainly love the impact we have with (org name) on a daily basis, but thinking about blessing them for the next 10, 20, 50 years was a huge joy.  I’m glad we put these arrangements in place through our will” DTH

Weekly Tip Sept 21 2021 Social Proofing