The Inspiration for
Multiply 417


Passion and Calling


Rev. Rick J Fritzemeier, MA, Is passionate about the form, function, flow, and the “fun” in fundraising. With 40 years of experience directly raising funds and 10+ years training others about development, Rick’s excitement and enthusiasm is only surpassed by one thing: his rock-solid commitment to a donor–centric, honorable, biblical approach centric, honorable, biblical approach.

Rick is straightforward and zealous in his desire to help you and your organization be more effective in all your fundraising goals, plans, and systems. Whether it’s establishing a major giving program, the optimization of giving pages, refining fundraising events, writing an effective case statement, designing a legacy gift strategy, or assisting you with your next Capital Campaign, Rick’s experience, knowledge, and practical know-how will help you accomplish it all.

Rick created Multiply 417 out of a desire to radically increase his impact by serving not just one charitable organization, but many, by offering his extensive skills in the development realm.

Rick shares, “I couldn’t see journeying down the final 10-15 years of my job life with anything less than a vocation that I wasn’t completely passionate about. Knowing the experience, success, and expertise that I believe God has given me in the development world, combined with my love for the art and science of training made the creation of Multiply 417 a simple, obvious decision.”

Rick’s life is highlighted by his wife of 43 years, Dr. Marian Fritzemeier, daughters Kristen (Jeremy) and Michelle (Kory), and the 3 most amazing and wonderful grandkids ever, Parker (12), Khloe (10), and Kylie (8). He graduated from Fresno State (80 – BA, 82 – MA) a long, long time ago, where he earned All-American status in Track and Field. Rick then served with Campus Crusade for Christ for 9 years, and Youth for Christ for 31 before creating Multiply 417.

Are you ready to go?

If you want to improve your fundraising success and reach even more of your organization’s primary goals, working with Rick and Multiply 417 will be one of the best decisions you can make. He’s hard core when it comes to your mission, but loves people and ministry in all shapes and sizes.