6 Simple Tips for Email Thank You

As more and more of our partnership team converts to the electronic world and to giving through electronic means (email, online, text) it is imperative we make sure our expression of appreciation and gratitude keeps pace.

I’m sure most of you don’t need this list, or a reminder to be diligent about thanking your donors, but just in case here’s a bottom-line reminder:

84% of donors who gave a gift a year ago, but not this year (classic LYBUNT), shared not being thanked as one of the two top reasons they stopped giving.

Here’s 6 quick thank you tips to use for your emails:

  1. Send the thank you from the most expected sender. NOTE: Executive Directors it isn’t always you!!
  2. Use an email tool, or CRM, that lets you optimize the subject line with their name. Check with me.
  3. Connect the thank you to the people the gift helped.
  4. Make sure the email includes contact information for your ministry.
  5. Continue to show the connection between the person and the beliefs of your ministry.
  6. Use the name of your recipient generously in the email.

If you’d like to see more statistics on email communications, including their success rate for fundraising, give me a call (209) 541-5720 or send me an email. [email protected]

