Choose a
package that
meets your needs

A variety of packages to meet your needs

First, let’s discuss those needs together and to help that process be thorough I’d strongly encourage you to go back and fill out the Client Survey and Assessment form. When completed, just use the submit button and I’ll get a copy.

Second, I’ll arrange a time to discuss the survey and talk about ways Multiply 417 can help your development/fundraising strategy, efforts, and success.  It may even make sense to engage in a “Multiply 417 Experience” starter package (hyper link that phrase to the correct page #tag)

In the meantime, keep reading and you’ll see some of the ways we can structure an agreement that will serve you, your staff, and your organizational needs best. The packages below are solid samples of what we can do together. There is room to customize what you need and can afford— just ask!

The typical non-profit invests less than 2% into their development structure and most of the time, the results show it. Why not break that mold and reach for some new dreams and goals?

If you make the decision to invest in yourself and your ministry through Multiply 417, I can guarantee this:

1. God will meet your needs and help you to accomplish your dreams — not because you engaged Multiply 417, but because you chose to apply honorable, donor-centric, and biblically-based principles and strategies on a consistent basis.

2. I promise that I will bring to bear 40 years of experience, knowledge, and expertise in helping you put your plans in place to be more successful in development and fundraising.

Look through the packages below to see some ideas of how Multiply 417 might be able to help.

Getting started with Multiply 417 (Assessment, Strategic Planning, Training)
Get to know Rick Fritzemeier and let him get to know you. by getting started on a Development Strategic plan process and analysis and also watch Rick in action while providing fundraising training for your staff and/or Board members.

Investment: $2500 and Travel Expenses
Time Frame: On-site 2-3 days
What you receive:

  • Onsite 2-3 days
  • Development assessment tool
  • 12-month development strategic plan
  • Training, 4-6 hours of 3×3 Biblical Development System
  • CRM assessments
  • Board Training, 1-2 hours, Their role in resource generation
  • Shadowing of staff on development appointments

Coaching Package 2
Investment: $1000/Month
Time Frame: Ten hours per month of phone/zoom calls, involving coaching, training, and consulting needs. The client will customize hours and topics per Organizational fundraising needs.

The primary scope is to provide direction and accountability in accomplishing a pre-determined set of goals and objectives, with clear metrics and gathering systems in place.

Topics could include (partial list):

Development Strategic Plan
Training for Staff and/or Board in a comprehensive fundraising strategy, including implementation of a Faithful Activity engagement tracking and accountability system
Marketing plan and Giving page analysis and modifications
Name Acquisition strategy
Donor Acquisition strategy
Monthly Giving Plan Strategy
Peer-to-Peer Strategy
Non-cash gift marketing plan (may include Legacy gift elements)

Coaching Package 1
Investment: $600/Month
Time Frame: Four hours per month.  Same services about package 2, just fewer hours provided each month.

3×3 Biblical Development Training (entire team, virtual and onsite)
Investment: $2500/Month and Travel Expenses
Time Frame: 6 Months
What you receive:

  • 6 months of training
  • 4-5 days each month; On-site training both group and individual
  • Will include shadowing live calls, role play and mock phone calls and appointments
  • Implement and train staff in executing a faithful activity tracking and planning system
  • Creating and training for a coaching system (your Executive Leaders) that utilizes the above accountability system (Faithful Activity model)

3×3 Biblical Development Training (Cohort Method)

Investment: $3500 and Travel Expenses
Multiply 417 Partner Offset: $2334
Time Frame: 7 weeks 

  • 6 weeks of cohort class – 90 minutes
  • 6 weeks of individual coaching – 30 minutes
  • 1-week on-site visit to shadow and coach cohort staff in live phone call and development appointment experiences
  • 4 weeks open Zoom time for cohort members for Q and A

Email and Giving page optimization I (year-round)
Investment: $250/Month
Time Frame: 6-month minimum commitment. 5 hours per month.
What you receive:

  • 5 hours per month, includes monthly strategy meeting
  • Initial Strategy Session (2-3 hours)
  • Create or edit email communications
  • Resources include: Welcome series, ongoing monthly thank you, event announcements, and financial requests and more
  • Includes reporting on conversion rates and optimization of giving pages or email campaigns

Giving Tuesday and EOY email campaign and Giving Page optimization (Nov & Dec)

Investment: $2000
Time Frame: 30-40 hours. But will require staff assigned assistant and teamwork with you and your communications staff members (CRM, Giving Page, and Email Platforms)
What you receive:

  • Strategic communications plan for your entire database
  • 12-17 emails for your campaign carefully and scientifically proven for maximum relationship and fund-raising results
  • Segmented strategy for your major or end-of-year donors you wish to schedule appointments with

Non-cash Gifts, Creating and Implementing a Strategy

Investment: $4000+ and expenses
Time Frame: 80-160 hours (spread over 4-5 months)
What you receive:
Initial assessment of present “asking” capacity as it relates to non-cash gifts (stocks, commodities) through QCD’s, RMD’s, stock transfers, etc. Creating of communication and marketing “drip” campaign presenting value and opportunity to partner through non-cash gifts, including tax-payer benefits, including necessary collateral materials, website and social media postings. Cohort or individual one-on-one training(s) in presenting the value of non-cash gifts to current or prospective partners. Will include role play, role modeling, and live appointment trainings.

Capital Campaign and Feasibility Study

Investment: Negotiated
Time Frame: Potentially up to 80 hours. Potential for up to one year of engagement all depending on partnership size and potential and $$ size of the budget
What you receive: Multiply 417 is an affiliate member of the Capital Campaign Toolkit (CCT). An established Capital Campaign agency, led by two veterans in the field of directing and overseeing Capital Campaign, including having raised over #200,000,000 for non-profits.  Rick has managed several successful campaigns himself and with the backing and resource knowledge of CCT can provide highly knowledgeable leadership.

Additional Training Units


Submit the Client Survey

To help establish your level of need, please take a few minutes to fill out and submit the Client Survey and Assessment.