The Vision for Multiply 417

Mission Statement

Multiply 417 exists to offer Biblically based fund raising and resource development principles, strategies, and tools through coaching, mentoring, and consulting relationships with Christian non-profit leaders and their organizations, helping them create fiscal stability, effective long-term growth, and Christ honoring partnerships.

Vision Statement

To see every organization experience the blessing of fiscal stability and sustained growth resulting from a Biblically grounded fund raising and development strategy.

Why Multiply 417?

Multiply: Most ministries have at least some of their ministry goals stated in numbers. With the direction of our world and modern-day culture, if a ministry only expands by addition, they’ll never catch up (think 1 + 1 = 2). I want to help them multiply their outreach, through effective and Biblically-based fund raising strategies (think 2 x 2 = 4 x 2 = 8).

Philippians 4:17 is the marquee Bible verse for fund raising Development Officers. “For I seek not the gift, but the fruit that would be added to your increase.” 20 years ago, this verse revolutionized my perspective and strategy on fundraising. It had to be a part of the name.

A Fun-development Ministry: Well, of course it should be FUN, because I believe that with the right Biblical basis and attitude, the world of development or fund raising can be fun, fulfilling, and fruitful. As a faith-based non-profit ministry, please keep reading and you’ll see the logic behind this decision in just a few more paragraphs.

Passion: The Bridge between People and Purpose: If you want people to gather and accomplish a purpose, it will require passion. Passion becomes the connecting point—the bridge that allows people to accomplish their shared purpose.

In short, I want to train, coach, and mentor Executive Leaders of faith-based non-profit organizations and their staff, as appropriate, in all aspects of fundraising with a Biblical approach.