Weekly Tip Oct 4 2021 – linked monthly ask letter

Dear <name>,

A little while ago you made a very generous donation to Youth for Christ XYZ.  Your partnership makes a real difference with our efforts to reach lost teens. It is always so encouraging to see new partners step-up and respond to a need.  Your gift towards the __________ (the one time need issue or topic) was significant and you joined up with lots of other folks that are likewise concerned about _________ (topic or issue).  As our staff and volunteers continue to work with these teenagers, one common factor we always trace to success is consistency.  Many of these kids have never had anyone to champion for them. To be there all the time, regardless.  Our staff and volunteers are committed to that and through that showing them Christ’s love.

But it leads me to ask you a question?

Would you be willing to prayerfully step in the gap and provide us with a consistent and committed monthly gift?  (Optional) This next month we are hoping to add 10 new partners averaging $30/month.  Is it possible you would consider being one of them?  (If no to optional). As we provide consistency and stability for these hurting teens, we need to know we have a consistent and stable financial base.  Giving a gift on a monthly basis, helps ensure we have the critical resources we need to continue to reach every teen.

You can sign up for a monthly gift here: (hyperlink to a dedicated web page per this letter). Thank you again for your partnership and support. It truly does make a huge difference.



P.S. Your monthly gift will impact so many lost teens, please prayerfully consider this opportunity.