Click here for the Tip – Weekly Tip August 30, 2021 NEPAW Part II

Here’s the Answers:

Who makes more bequests in their wills? Men or Women

What percentage of Americans don’t have a will (or one that’s up to date)?
A. 30-40% B. 50-60% C. 70-80% Answer is C – 70%

What is the dollar cap on QCD’s counting towards an RMD?
A. $50,000 B. $75,000 C. $100,000 Answer is C – $100,000

If your partner/donor write you a personal check to cover their RMD. Is there a minimum amount?
Answer is NO. Trick question. They can’t write you a personal check at all.

How old do you have to be to utilize a QCD to meet your RMD obligation?
A. 69.5 B. 70 C. 71.5 D. 72 Answer is C – 71.5

What age group is the most likely to make a bequest in their will?
A. 18-24 B. 38-44 C. 58-64 D. 68-74 Answer is A – 18/24

After giving a bequest, what % of partners increase other giving (annual, mthly) to the same org?
A. 10% B. 25% C. 50% D. 75% Answer is C – 50+%

Next week I’ll wrap up on non-cash gifts and make sure and include some sample templates for emails and such you can customize and use to add this key component to your Strategic Development Plan. Want to discuss a non-cash gift strategy?  I’d love to help, just email me or give me a call (209) 541-5720.

Thanks to my friends at FreeWill for these statistics and the corresponding answers.  Patrick and Jen, along with their entire team provide lots of great insights into the non-cash world, bequest world.
